What your PT doesn’t know…

Employing a personal trainer should be a great experience. Someone you can trust to show you correct technique, variety of exercise and actually cares about your goals.

But this isn’t always the case.

The standard personal trainer course can be done in a matter of weeks. That short time, leads to a qualification which allows that person to train people one on one.

When I completed my course- I felt absolutely clueless! I felt compelled to learn more and understand more about anatomy, psychology of why people train, how to deal with injuries and how to encourage people effectively without having to shout.

I still now make sure I am always learning so I can be confident that I am providing the best service to anyone who walks through the door.

It makes me proud that two clients of mine want to train to become Personal Trainers themselves. They are following in my footsteps and talking the same course I did through the Shredded by Science academy- a year long comprehensive course.

It makes me proud when clients notice they are better at doing things than before, when their lives become simpler or they are free from pain and injury.

It also makes me proud when clients notice how well others are doing!

At the Strnegth Studio- we care about each other’s progress and we want to be able to do similar things-our  competitive nature means we always strive for the best.

So if you notice your PT doesn’t care about your injuries or makes you carry on through pain, it might be worth thinking about why this is.

In my opinion, taking the time to get technique correct, focusing on form over injury and listening to what the client wants is way more important than getting a quick result.


Why Strength Training is awesome!

When we think about losing weight, our first thought might be to diet or to take up running. But why not Strength training?

Strength training can help you to build muscle and become strong. But do not fear about becoming a big bulky mama – it’s actually hard for women to build big muscles this way. Lifting weights can make you feel empowered, can enable you to be badass in all areas of life. Make things easier; such as carrying in the shopping, running for a bus or picking up your children.

There are a variety of exercises you can perform using a variety of weights such as dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, resistance bands and your own bodyweight. this means that you never need to get bored of the same routine. From kettlebell swings, to lunges, overhead presses to rows, there are a number of ways to enjoy your training session.

Muscle is metabolically active tissue meaning you burn calories just to keep it there. And as long as you are eating well, Strength Training can really change your body shape.

At The Strength Studio, we work on a variety of exercises including strength training, conditioning and cardio. That way, we can work on keeping things fun and varied.

From our 6am classes where we squat, deadlift and include elements of fun, to our boxing combination class – Punchout, to Strongman where we carry the Yoke, lift the log and run with Farmers carries – there are many ways to feel awesome and empowered each time you come in.

Being able to surprise yourself and others in what you become able to achieve is a brilliant bonus.






Demonsing foods…

This morning we were having a conversation about sugar. It seems that in some circles, sugar is still a “bad” food.

I hate this kind of pressure. No food group is bad. We need to eat a balance of all the food groups to stay healthy.

Yes eating too much sugar can be somewhat detrimental but calling it out as bad, or to be avoided at all costs; is quite damaging.

As a lover of sweet things- cake, chocolate, berries, dates, raisins, apples- telling me I shouldn’t eat sugar is not going to work.

But I also know, that if I follow a diet of eating well where I get protein in the form of meat, cheese, whey etc, whole minimally processed carbs such as potato and rice, vegitables and fruit as well as fat sources such as nuts, fish, avocado then I can’t really go wrong.

The other thing to mention is that when you train, you need to fuel your body to be able to recover, to help you get stronger and feel great. Because for me- that’s the most important thing.

I WANT TO FEEL AMAZING every day. And training and eating well does that for me.

I want to be strong, like the people in these pictures- real women who are awesome.

So no telling me, that we cannot eat sugar, or fat, or too much protein (because studies show there is no such thing) because unless you discover a brilliant new science that proves I am wrong about all of this- I will always advocate a bit of what you fancy anytime.

What do you eat?

This weekend we had our Inhouse Strongman competition.

A question I got asked was “I didn’t know what to eat- what should I eat before a comp?”

and to be fair, when you are used to preparing for running races, it could be a little confusing!

I find that I am never hungry during a comp, so I make sure I have a good breakfast that day- similar to what I would usually eat such as  bacon and eggs or oats with protein and berries.

The day before, I will always eat a dinner of protein and carbs such as chicken with potatoes and lots of veg.

During a competition, I usually make sure I have whey protein to help repair my muscles and flapjacks for a quick burst of energy when I need it. And plenty of coffee!!

Because the events are taxing on your body, you need to be ready to move quickly and explosively. So having a full belly might not be wise.

Afterwards- fill your boots! Eat whatever you fancy. We all had cake and went out for steak and chips. An Epsom salt bath might also help with those DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).


March as the February do-over…

Do you feel as if your motivation has hit a dip?

Some of us are feeling this in The Strength Studio – February was a bit of a “we’ve been so focussed in Jan so we can relax a little now right…”

So March, we are going forward on a positive – almost a lent type focus but instead of giving something up – we are taking up positive thinking.

Especially with the Embrace film screening – remembering that exercise should be a way of celebrating what we are capable, food should be enjoyed and that we are awesome as we are!

So March goals –

  • Turn up to training
  • Be mindful of what we eat
  • Enjoy food
  • positive thoughts
  • Encourage each other
  • Try not to do it all at once – focus on something achievable.


Motivation is often the result of action, not the cause of it. Getting started in small ways is naturally going to start that momentum going. So, once you start, small steps os what is going to keep you going.

So, if you are lacking motivation at the moment – bite the bullet and take that small step.

I always find that once I set my mind to start that thing I have been putting off – its easier to get all the things done. Even if it’s something small like preparing breakfast. Once you do it once, it’s easier to continue.

So, here’s to a productive and healthy March.


The day in the life of a trainer

So, a fellow trainer Alex Pearson posted this photo today and it’s brilliant. If you have ever seen the movie Trainspotting, it might ring some bells!

Being a personal trainer is not exactly what people think! We get up at 5am to train clients from 6- yes people actually want to train at 6 am.

We often spend many hours reading and researching in order to give our clients the best exercises for their injuries and niggles.

We sometimes eat out of Tupperware and spend time preparing food. Sometimes we are too busy and grab a sandwich or live on protein bars between clients.

We often work late- people want to train after work as well but in between that, we worry all the time that we are not working hard enough, that we are not serving our clients the best way we can, that we don’t have time to train ourselves and what if our clients leave.

But overall, we absolutely love every singe minute- because the people we help become our family, our friends. We spend more time together and chat more than we do with our childhood friends, partners and family. But we wouldn’t have it any other way.

I wake up each day excited about how the day will pan out, feeling incredibly proud of progress and when we get something right. And laugh and smile and feel amazed that the little studio has become such a great thing!

And at 9.30 when I’m ready for bed, it’s so I am prepared img_1332to do it all again the next day.

So, if you contact me past 9pm- please don’t be offended if I don’t reply straight away. I can always get back to you at 5am- but I don’t think you will appreciate that so much!

Quick holiday prep…

screen-shot-2017-01-12-at-14-04-57There’s nothing like booking a holiday to make you want to diet and exercise. But is it the right reason?

Its something I’m asking myself having booked my first holiday in 3 years… I know I don’t feel in the best shape so I need to focus.

But it’s remembering that training should be for enjoyment and not for punishment. Seeing results- an improvement in your lifting numbers, a quicker time to complete a WOD, feeling better is just as important- if not more than losing a centimetre here and there.

The same with dieting- feeling miserable eating lettuce and denying yourself your favourite foods is never fun. So creating a balance of eating well 80% of the time and having the odd treat 20% is going to leave you happier- and more likely to stick to it.

So, if like me you are training for holiday- remember, it’s the little wins that will help you get there too!

How we build muscle – AKA Hypertrophy

Warning – This is a ‘sciencey’ post

Hypertrophy occurs when the muscle is placed under the necessary stress in order to enable it to grow.

Through resistance training, we break down muscle tissue by placing tension on the muscle. Following a period of rest, the muscle will adapt and increase in strength and size.

When we lift a weight, the body will undergo several neurological changes. Your nervous system will learn the pattern of the movement, meaning, with practice you are more coordinated. Your muscles will create more contractile proteins – actin and myosin which build in layers to create larger muscular spanse.

That’s what we want to happen right? So, there is a lot of science behind muscle building. Here I will try and explain what you need to understand before we start.

There are three factors for exercise-induced hypertrophy we need to understand. They include:

Muscular tension- stretched and active tension.

Muscle damage- the break down of muscle tissue and protein synthesis.

Metabolic stress. -contractions and satellite cells. AKA – The Pump.

The primary factor in muscle hypertrophy occurs through tension placed upon the muscle. There are different types of contractions we can utilise through training. These are eccentric, concentric and isometric contractions. More on this later.

Muscular tension through resistance training causes mechanical signals within the working muscles to turn on anabolic pathways. Anabolic equals growth and adaptions within the muscles.

It can be said then, that tension is the dominant factor in hypertrophy. One of the main reasons for this, is that muscular tension causes molecular and cellular responses in satellite cells.

The satellite cell is like a stem cell, it lies dormant until strenuous exercise begins. One awoken, the satellite cells fuse to muscle fibres causing them to grow.

Muscle damage is caused through micro tears in the muscle tissue. You break down muscle fibres at an accelerated rate during exercise. It is when at rest, for the next 48 hours that muscle protein synthesis occurs and your muscles develop.

You may experience DOMS -delayed onset muscle soreness- after a workout. This is the feeling of muscle damage and can last between 24 and 72 hours. It is this muscle soreness which signifies a strengthening of muscle tissue. However, DOMS is not the only sign of muscle strengthening. Therefore, your body will adapt and you should experience a decrease in the pain of DOMS over time.

Excessive bouts of DOMS can signify over training. So be careful if you are constantly struggling to walk, or lift your arms over head. Too much pain can be detrimental to effects.

Metabolic stress is the build up of metabolites- the by products of your metabolism. Lactate, hydrogen ions, which mediate cell swelling- taking of water into the muscle cells. This creates the well known “pump” which signifies muscular adaption.

All three factors must work together in order to create muscle hypertrophy.

So, substantial load- lifting a weight heavy enough to create metabolic stress, full range of movement and time under tension- the duration of the load need to be considered.

But most of all – fun, structured training sessions you enjoy! screen-shot-2017-02-03-at-15-24-52

What are you training for?

In my job, I see many people in the gym trying to build muscle. They often don’t know where to start, which exercises to perform to get the best results and following Social media which can be misleading.

So-called “bro-science”- myths populated by people who think they know the truth and spread through social media so that after a while, it is hard to know what to believe.

Have you heard any of the following:

Don’t eat fat post training

You MUST have a protein shake the second you stop training or lose your gains.

Don’t eat carbs in the morning.

Don’t eat carbs after 6pm

You have to eat ‘clean’ to get abs

Eat 6 meals a day or you won’t see results

My advice – don’t always believe what you read! 

Contrary to popular belief, following famous body builders strategies is not the best way to get the body you want. Following a structured training programme tailored to you is.

Many famous body builders have great genetics, time to lift regularly and some even have chemical enhancement to get where they are.

The good news is, that by following a specifically tailored plan can help teach you the best way to get the physique you want, learn how to lift properly without injury and gain strength, muscle and confidence.

Did you know that a beginner to the gym, can build up to 5 kilo of muscle in their first year? However, each year after training, it gets less. So if you have been training for 5 years or more, you can expect to build around 1kg of muscle naturally.

Not that I want to put you off, but muscle is expensive! Not only in terms of cost of gym membership, nutrition and time, but it is a metabolically expensive tissue too, which means you have to work hard to keep it there.

Muscle will need between 50-100 calories per day per pound of muscle. That’s just to maintain it. So to grow, you will need to eat right, exercise and rest.

As humans, we are naturally going for homoeostasis – our natural state. So to build muscle is not considered normal, and we need to work at keeping muscle there through exercise stimulus. The saying if you don’t use it, you lose it, is so true here!

In a completely untrained person, muscle growth is virtually non existent in the initial stages of training and the upper extremities such as shoulders and backs are shown to hypertrophy first before the lower.

I often wonder if this is why many people concentrate on working their guns in the gym? It shows first?

One of my favourite things about my job, is that many women are now enjoying training. There is no longer a stigma that lifting weights will make you bulky  – or at least there isn’t

 at The Strength Studio.

Training is fun, empowering and can leave you feeling completely badass – if that isn’t a good reason to start training; I can show you many more at that!

The Busy Man…


Finding time to eat well and exercise can be nigh on impossible with a busy job.

You run from a Networking breakfast meeting, where you scoffed all the pastries to a long day at the office. A quick stop at the garage to grab a sandwich and crisps… and maybe a muffin because it was by the till, followed by another networking dinner where the canapes aren’t enough to fill you up, but the beer and wine on flow might.

You get home exhausted and fancy another beer to relax you before the next days meetings…

So how do you schedule the time, let alone the energy to get to the gym and eat well?

Making your gym visits an appointment in your diary can help you kick start your day. Not all gyms open early enough, but The Strength Studio has classes from 6am!

Pre-preparing food and snacks can help you avoid having to grab things on the go. I love to buy ready prepapred veg so I don’t have to waste time chopping. Apples, Protein bars and Greek Yoghurt can be brilliant and easy to carry round.

If you find you are constantly stopping at Motorway service stations, heading to Waitrose or M&S over McDonalds is more likely to be kinder to your waistline.

And once you start making time to be a little more active, you are likely to feel a little less exhausted and a lot more energised – meaning your performance at work will improve.