What do you eat?

This weekend we had our Inhouse Strongman competition.

A question I got asked was “I didn’t know what to eat- what should I eat before a comp?”

and to be fair, when you are used to preparing for running races, it could be a little confusing!

I find that I am never hungry during a comp, so I make sure I have a good breakfast that day- similar to what I would usually eat such as  bacon and eggs or oats with protein and berries.

The day before, I will always eat a dinner of protein and carbs such as chicken with potatoes and lots of veg.

During a competition, I usually make sure I have whey protein to help repair my muscles and flapjacks for a quick burst of energy when I need it. And plenty of coffee!!

Because the events are taxing on your body, you need to be ready to move quickly and explosively. So having a full belly might not be wise.

Afterwards- fill your boots! Eat whatever you fancy. We all had cake and went out for steak and chips. An Epsom salt bath might also help with those DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).


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