Embrace – my own battle

As you may have read on my previous post- the Embrace film is about a woman’s journey to love her body.

I feel we all have our own journeys to learn to love ourselves for who we are – and not hate ourselves for our warped judgements in the mirror!

My body image journey started at age 10. The tallest in my class at 5 foot and I got my period at a time when you should still in essence, be a child. Not grow hair in places you didn’t before, and get boobs!

I was the odd one out and started wearing baggy tops to hide my changing body. It makes me sad to think back.

Since then, like many women- I have tried many a diet and exercise fad, cried in my kitchen too scared to eat; scarily close to an eating disorder and disordered eating whereby I would be too strict until I caved and ate the world…

Now, my mission is to help others be their best self, to exercise because they love it, to find their strength and be empowered through their choices.

We eat because we love food and yes, we encourage eating whole foods and veg- but cake and the odd gin is encouraged. Because we want to live our lives and not be a slave to the scale.

We pay it forward by noticing each other’s wins and lift each other up when things get hard. That’s the kind of gym you would want to join right?

So, if you want to join us in celebrating ourselves and loving us for who we are- why not watch the film with us on March 1st?

We’ll be hosting a seminar on body image the weekend before too. Watch this space for more info!

#embrace #loveyourbody #eatrealfood




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